‘Finestkind‘ is a crime thriller movie that centers upon a group of fishermen who get embroiled in a criminal gang, after which their family and a mysterious young woman are in imminent danger. Written and directed by Brian Helgeland, the film consists of a star-studded ensemble cast, comprising Ben Foster, Toby Wallace, Jenna Ortega, Tommy Lee Jone, Ismael Cruz Córdova, and Aaron Stanford. Although it received mixed reviews from critics upon its premiere, the movie’s cast and the gripping narrative are enough to make one eager to learn more about it.
What is Finestkind About?
On a fateful summer, two estranged half-brothers — Tom and Charlie — reunite as adults, having lived in completely different circumstances and worlds. Working in the fish business, they start to get drowned in a lot of debt, which forces them to do something they would regret later — make a deal with a criminal syndicate in Boston. Apart from the brothers and their families, a mysterious girl named Mabel also gets pulled into the perils of the deal. Now, with loved ones at stake, they must make certain sacrifices to come out of it alive. Will Tom and Charlie survive the gang? Well, you will have to watch it yourself to find out, and here are all the ways you can do so!
Is Finestkind on Netflix?
No, Netflix doesn’t house ‘Finestkind’ in its expansive collection of movies and TV shows. Nevertheless, the streaming giant more than makes up for it by providing you with some excellent alternative options, such as ‘Pain Hustlers.’
Is Finestkind on HBO Max?
We hate to break it to you that ‘Finestkind’ is not a part of HBO Max’s massive content library. However, don’t let it stop you from enjoying similar films that the streamer possesses. You may enjoy watching ‘Gangs of New York.’
Is Finestkind on Hulu?
Unfortunately, ‘Finestkind’ is not available for streaming on Hulu. But you do have the option to turn to other alternatives on the platform. We recommend you watch ‘One Way.’
Is Finestkind on Amazon Prime?
While ‘Finestkind’ is not a part of Amazon Prime’s regular offering, you have the option of getting access to the movie on the streaming giant by including the Pararmount+ add-on to your current plan. You can learn more about the same by heading over here! Regular subscribers may turn to other alternatives on the platform, such as ‘Untouchables.’
Where to Watch Finestkind Online?
‘Finestkind’ has been released exclusively on Paramount+, except on Amazon Prime, as mentioned above. Thus, there is currently no other way for you to watch the Jenna Ortega starrer online, be it by streaming or purchasing. Since it hasn’t even received a theatrical release, you will have to subscribe to the platform one way or another to get access to the film.