Soup is served first, followed by salad. However, in many European countries, salad is served after the entree.Click to see full answer. People also ask, why soup is served first?Before the main course is brought over to the table, soup is served in small quantities. when soup is consumed hot before the main meal, the digestive juices are activated/secreted in the digestive tract. This promotes perfect digestion of the meals.Furthermore, what should be served first in fine dining? Serving the Table – Most upscale dinners will include 5 courses, encompassing an appetizer, soup, salad, entree, and dessert. Many formal restaurants practice the open hand service method, which means that a server’s arms are never to be crossed in front of a guest, and food is always served from the guest’s left side. In this manner, how do you serve soup and salad together? The main plate goes in the middle, in front of the diner. Forks go on the left, knives and spoons on the right. Salad forks are smaller than those for a main course, and go on the outside. The soup spoon is the one on the outside, and the knife, if needed, goes closest to the plate on the right.Will I lose weight if I just eat soup?The soup diet isn’t just one diet, but rather a collection of eating plans that promise significant weight loss in a short amount of time. On some of these diets, you consume nothing but soup. Soup diets may last as little as five days or up to 10 days.